Sakura Kinomoto is a 4th grade student Tomoeda, sakura in anime series Cardcaptor Sakura (カードキャプターさくら kādo kyaputā sakura), also known as Card Captor Sakura, or so-called Sakura The Card Catcher, is the work of CLAMP manga and anime. as mentioned in wikipedia. com Cardcaptor Sakura was published in Japan by Kodansha and made a series by Nakayoshi. The series consists of twelve volumes. The series won Seiun Award for best manga in 2001. Anime series on television (1998-2000) adapted from the manga, consisting of 70 episodes of 30 minutes (which is divided in three seasons), two films made the big screen, and some special editions. The second season of TV series won the Animage Anime Grand Prix award in 1999.
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Beauty Sakura Kinomoto
Sakura Kinomoto is a 4th grade student Tomoeda, sakura in anime series Cardcaptor Sakura (カードキャプターさくら kādo kyaputā sakura), also known as Card Captor Sakura, or so-called Sakura The Card Catcher, is the work of CLAMP manga and anime. as mentioned in wikipedia. com Cardcaptor Sakura was published in Japan by Kodansha and made a series by Nakayoshi. The series consists of twelve volumes. The series won Seiun Award for best manga in 2001. Anime series on television (1998-2000) adapted from the manga, consisting of 70 episodes of 30 minutes (which is divided in three seasons), two films made the big screen, and some special editions. The second season of TV series won the Animage Anime Grand Prix award in 1999.
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